暑期學校 CLASIC 2019

2019暑期學校 CLASIC


2019/6/25 星期二TUE
Smart Reading 適性閱讀
Smart Reading
主講者 / 宋曜廷教授
Speaker / Yao-Ting Sung

Reading ability has become one of the capabilities that countries value. How can we teach students in accordance with their aptitude? How should we choose the most suitable learning materials among the numerous resources?「SmartReading」to assess and diagnose the reading ability of students through the world's most accurate tests, to provide intelligent recommendation of multiple books through the technology of book difficulty analysis, to use systematic records into the establishment of a unique reading plan, and to initially assist teachers to understand the reading performance of students through automated summary technology. The platform not only helps students improve reading literacy systematically, but also helps teachers reduce the burden of teaching.In addition, the system is in sync with international education, connected with IB are combined with six themes, 16 concepts and 10 goals, so as to develop students’ reflective ability and to achieve the goal of interdisciplinary.Students can develop the ability to understand the real text related to the theme, so as to establish the depth and breadth of reading to achieve the goal of independent reading and cultivate lifelong responsible reading learners.
Learning Chinese Characters with Drawings.
主講者 / 張瓅勻助理教授、陳學志教授
Speaker / Li-Yun Chang, Hsueh-Chih Chen
華語非母語的學生普遍覺得「漢字如天書」,本課程針對此難點,提出鍵接圖(key-image method)創新教學法,搭配《我也繪漢字》教材,展現多元教具和具體教案,讓華語漢字詞教與學有趣又有效。課程亮點如下:

Learning Chinese characters could be intimidating for most CSL/CFL learners. To make character learning easier, this program offers an innovative, creative, and effective method incorporating the key-image method and various interesting teaching aids. Highlights of this program include:
Accessible learning methods: Key-image method makes Chinese character learning more accessible by the use of techniques based on the theories of learning and memory. This program combines learning theories with innovative teaching methods, allowing learners to look at a key-image and simultaneously connect the form and meaning of the Chinese character. For example, the "足 (meaning: foots)" key-image itself looks like a glyph and, at the same time, the meaning of the character.
Systematic learning process: Learning Chinese Characters with Drawings has two volumes and each includes three parts: (1) Knowledge About Chinese Characters, (2) Chinese Characters Key-image Pictures and (3) Review Activities. Twelve real-life topics help learners to acquire 308 most common Chinese characters and 317 important words.
Innovative technology supports: This program will introduce two systems: (1)“Chinese Radicals Disassembly System,” from which teachers could select the radicals, characters, and words that are worthy of priority learning from the text and (2)"eMPOWER platform,” which provides learners with more effective ways to build up the knowledge of Chinese characters and to reinforce the mastery of words, phrases, as well as sentences. Moreover, with the many creative activities, this program aims to improve Chinese teaching and learning.
The Effects of Thematic Teaching Mode in IB School
講師 / 義大國際高中 李志成校長、義大國際高中教師群
Speaker / Jechen Lee

Teachers think outside the box, and use thematic teaching mode in IB school. It can help students understanding different perception in the same theme by comparing with contents. Thematic teaching is different from traditional spoon-feeding education. In this way, teachers let their students have discussions in class, and give them feedback in good time. They use technology integrated into thematic teaching to support their students to improve their reflective ability and Integrated ability. Thematic teaching with Chinese computerized adaptive test and recommended books lets students read and learn efficiently. It not only helps students improve motivation of reading, but also helps students improve reading literacy by smart reading.
2019/6/26 星期三WEN
Automated Essay Evaluation and Feedback Improves Teaching Quality and Efficiency
主講者 / 張道行副教授
Speaker / Tao-Hsing Chang

“Writing” is considered to be the most difficult language skill among the four fundamental skills—listening, speaking, reading and writing—, and it always takes the most training and practicing to master the skill of writing. CSL learners have difficulties in word selection, collocation, sentence cohesion, structure organization and paragraph composition. Teachers, in turn, need to spend much time to review their students’ vocabulary, grammar, and writing structure. Recently, information technology has contributed much to language teaching. Technology and Corpus-based studies provide convenient tools and referential texts for classes on the spot. In light of this, we develop Automated Essay Scoring for Han (AES-Han), which is an online writing platform with instant feedback and class management.
In this course it will be presented how AES-Han can be applied to CSL writing class to provide an easy writing environment without any limitation of space and time. In one hand, AES-Han provides instant feedback, including essay evaluation and error correction, that enhance learners’ writing ability. In another hand, its functions of student essay management and portfolio can improve instructors’ teaching efficiency.
In this section, we will illustrate a teaching plan linking up with AES-Han in actual classroom. With the step-by-step demonstration, you will realize how the system promotes the motivation and potential of all-level learners, which would in turn increase the teaching efficiency and quality.
The Effects of Implementing AES-Han/AES-Han Aid in the Classroom
講師 / 開南大學應用華語學系 陳燕秋助理教授、國立成功大學中國文學系 邱詩雯助理教授
Speaker / Yen Chiu Chen, Shih Wen Chiu
結合寫作自動偵測與回饋於華語文課堂教學,為教師及學生帶來了雙贏的結果,我們邀請了兩位分別使用AES-Han和AES-Han Aid於課堂教學,並進行教學實驗的教師來分享他們的使用經驗。
邱詩雯老師是使用AES-Han Aid在她的初級華語班中,班上學生普遍有寫自傳申請學校的需求,但是以他們的寫作能力是需要很多協助才能完成的。邱老師的方式是將自傳分段成一個一個篇章,藉由每個段落的主題,設計引導式問句,讓AES-Han Aid系統成為小助教,一步步帶領學生從句子、段落、篇章,構築成一篇結構井然的自傳。

Applying AES-Han to CSL classroom has brought a win-win situation for both teachers and students. Two teachers will present in this section to share their experience of using AES-Han/AES-Han Aid in their class empirically and experimentally.
Teacher Chen uses AES-Han in both of her writing and conversation classes and found that AES-Han has virtual improvement on students’ essay length and quality. In addition, instant feedback and suggestions get students used to revise and correct their essay on their own initiative. What’s more, teacher Chen observed that making draft before speech benefits a lot to the oral presentation. AES-Han plays the role of assisting students’ repeated speech draft revision in advance of onstage presentation. Students can write on AES-Han at any time and place before the class and focus on their presentation on class, making my course more efficient.
Teacher Chiu uses AES-Han Aid on her elementary Chinese class. Students in her class have the need of autobiography writing for applying college. However, it is really difficult and needs much assistance for them concerning their writing ability. Teacher Chiu’s teaching plan is to decompose an autobiography into paragraphs of different topics. And then she designs guided questions on AES-Han to lead the students complete each paragraph from single response sentences to a coherent paragraph. Each paragraph then forms a tightly-structural autobiography. AES-Han, in this case, is used as a teaching assistant, helping students with their writing structure and teachers with their on-to-one instruction.
eMPOWER: The Integrated Platform for Learning Chinese Characters and Words
講師 / 國立臺灣師範大學 洪嘉馡副教授
Speaker / Jia-Fei Hong
華語文教師在第一線教學需要考慮到許多因素,如:教學環境、學習者程度差異等,且依照學習者需求進行調整,編制出一套合適且適應當地的華語文教材。因此,e-Learning for Mandarin Proficiency of Words and Characters (eMPOWER)華語文全字詞教學平臺,即是最佳的解決工具。eMPOWER是一個結合心理學、資訊科技和語言學等跨領域理論所建置而成的教學平臺;同時,也結合了最新的語音辨識技術及手寫診斷辨識系統(A Chinese character handwriting diagnosis and remedial instruction, CHDRI)。華語文教師可透過提供的數位教材編輯模組(Authoring Tool),滿足教學端編輯教材及學習追蹤等功能的需求,亦提供學習端選課、上課等功能,同時,具有字詞的聽、說、讀、寫全方位的語言能力學習,是一個量身訂作、便利的教學平臺。

There are a number of factors that frontline Chinese language teachers need to consider about, for example, teaching environment, achievement differences of learning and so on. In addition, the teachers have to adjust their teaching materials to meet the learners’ needs in the area. In light of this, e-Learning for Mandarin Proficiency of Words and Characters (eMPOWER), which provides teachers for editing appropriate Chinese materials with different needs, is the best platform to solve this situation. eMPOWER, developed by NTNU, provides teachers for editing materials. It combines psychology, computer education, linguistics and so on. Besides, it includes the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and a Chinese character handwriting diagnosis and remedial instruction (CHDRI). This study anticipates that eMPOWER can offer CSL/CFL teachers and editors to be engaged in completing their teaching materials online. At the same time, it helps learners develop four fundamental abilities, listening, speaking, reading, and writing, simultaneously. In addition, it can make learning more efficiently without restricting by the environment and space, thus enhancing learners’ learning effectiveness.
2019/6/27 星期四THU
The Power of Corpora—Using Big Corpora in Chinese Teaching
主講者 / 陳浩然教授
Speaker / Hao-Jan Howard Chen

  • 華語語料庫概論:介紹現有的各式華語語料庫,包含巨量的華語書面語料庫、口語語料庫、學習者語料庫及各式專業語料庫(如:科技華話、商務華語、學術華語等),並闡述各式語料庫如何運用在華語教學、華語教材與字典編撰、二語研究等不同面向。
  • 華語語料庫實作:向現場教師介紹語料庫的檢索方法,並說明如何根據不同教學需求與目標而產出各式詞表(如:詞彙表、搭配詞表、多字詞表、關鍵詞表等),作為教學與研究使用之資料。

In the era of big data, there has been an increasing use of corpora in language teaching and learning. To encourage language teachers to use Chinese corpora in teaching and research, this course includes the following two sections:

  • Introduction to Chinese Corpora: In the first section, we will introduce different types of Chinese corpora, such as written corpora, spoken corpora, learner corpora, and corpora for specific purpose(s). We will then explain how these corpora are employed in Chinese teaching and learning, the compilation of teaching materials and/or dictionaries, and second language research.
  • Demonstration of the Use of Chinese Corpora: In the second section, we will demonstration how to use these corpora to generate different teaching resources, such as wordlists, collocation lists, lexical bundles, and keywords, to enrich Chinese teaching resources.
What is Corpora? –Using Grammar Bank and Learner Corpora in Chinese teaching
主講者 / 洪嘉馡副教授
Speaker / Jia-Fei Hong
本課程將介紹兩個華語語料庫—中文語法數位平台(Digital Platform of Chinese Grammar)及華語文寫作語料庫(Chinese Written Corpus),作為教師教材設計及課程準備之資源,讓教學材料更真實豐富、課程內容更多元生動。實作部分將結合《當代中文課程》內容,實際讓老師們操作語料庫、句法庫的查詢功能以及教學配合使用的方法。

In this section, we will introduce two Chinese corpora - Digital Platform of Chinese Grammar (中文語法數位平台) and Chinese Written Corpus (華語文寫作語料庫). These two corpora, as resources for teaching materials design and course preparation, provide Chinese teacher with concrete basis to design more abundant materials and more diverse content. Moreover, we will demonstrate how to use the two corpora in Chinese teaching with "A Course in Contemporary Chinese" as an example and teach participants to operate the corpora.
2019/6/28 星期五FRI
3D 創建與語言學習活動設計c     
3D Construction and Learning Activity Design
主講者 / 籃玉如教授
Speaker / Yu-Ju Lan
「Omni-immersion vision」(OIV)是以Unity 開發的3D虛擬實境創作工具。就以九歲以上的使用者而言,在未具程式編寫語言及3D建模先備知識的情況下,他們可以通過OIV創建及移動在虛擬實境創作的3D物件。透過OIV的簡易內建功能,使用者可以隨心所欲建置一個能讓他們在沉浸式的學習情境進行語言學習。

“Omni-immersion vision” (OIV) is a 3D authoring tool in a virtual environment developed through Unity. With OIV, users aged 9 and above can easily build and move 3D objects with several clicks without prior knowledge of any programming language or 3D modeling. With these features, users are allowed to construct any virtual environments based on their needs and interests to help them learn a language through immersion.
Smart Pinyin
主講者 / 陳柏琳教授
Speaker / Berlin Chen

The acceleration of globalization has been calling for the demand of foreign language proficiency. In face of such a surge of worldwide interest in learning foreign languages, computer assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) is emerging as an attractive supplement or surrogate to the instructions of human teachers. CAPT in general manages to pinpoint and diagnose erroneous pronunciations in the utterances of second-language (L2) learners in response to given text prompts, so as to improve their spoken proficiency in a self-directed manner.
In the first part of this lecture, we will present the basics and developments of CAPT systems leveraging automatic speech recognition (ASR) technologies. In particular, how the recent significant progress in artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning fosters the growing applications of ASR technologies in CAPT will be also illustrated. In the second part of this lecture, we will introduce the " SmartPinyin " system and how to take full advantage of its functionality to facilitate automatic mispronunciation detection and diagnosis.



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